Children’s Divison


In the Children’s Division of The School of Boca Ballet Theatre, classes focus on movement, musical rhythms, and spacial relationships as well as an introduction to basic balletic vocabulary and the concepts of balletic form and movement. Class placement is determined strictly by age as of September 1st each year.

Class Offerings:

Mommy and Me: 0–2 years old

Creative Movement 1: 3 years old

Creative Movement 2: 4 years old

Pre-Ballet I: 5 years old

Pre-Ballet 2: 6 years old

Broadway Bound: 3 years and older



2024-2025 Class Schedule

Classes begin August 19, 2024

Mommy & Me (age 0 – 3 as of September 1)
Saturday 9:15–10 AM

Creative Movement 1 (age 3 as of September 1)
Tuesday 3:30–4 PM
Wednesday from 3:30–4 PM
Saturday from 9–9:30 AM

Creative Movement 2 (age 4 as of September 1)
Wednesday from 4–4:45 PM
Thursday from 3:15–4 PM
Saturday from 9:30–10:15 AM

Pre-Ballet 1 (age 5 as of September 1)
Tuesday from 4–4:45 PM
Thursday 4–4:45 PM
Saturday from 10:15–11 AM

Pre-Ballet 2 (age 6 as of September 1)
Wednesday from 4:45–5:45 PM
Thursday from 4:45–5:45 PM
Saturday from 11 AM–12 PM

Broadway Bound (includes Tap)
Monday 3:30–4:15 PM (ages 3–4)
Monday 4:15–5 PM (ages 5–6)
Monday 5–5:45 PM (ages 7+)


Tuition for 18 Week Semester

Tuition based on hours per week:

30 minutes: $284.00

45 minutes: $354.00

1 hour: $395.00

1.25 hours: $497.00

1.5 hours: $594.00

1.75 hours: $693.00

2 hours: $762.00

2.25 hours: $843.00

2.5 hours: $936.00

2.75 hours: $1,028.00

3 hours: $1,063.00

3.25 hours: $1,149.00


3.5 hours: $1,201.00

3.75 hours: $1,271.00

4 hours: $1,275.00

4.25 hours: $1,343.00

4.5 hours: $1,409.00

4.75 hours: $1,444.00

5 hours: $1,472.00

5.25 hours: $1,502.00

5.5 hours: $1,530.00

5.75 hours: $1,559.00

6 hours: $1,588.00

6.25 hours: $1,599.00

6.5 hours: $1,617.00 (Unlimited)


Tuition Policies

  • Tuition is non-refundable & non-transferable.

  • New students only can receive a prorated tuition when beginning after the commencement of a semester.

  • $50 annual registration fee per family.

  • 5% Family Discount on tuition.

  • 10% Discount for full payment of Fall 2024 & Spring 2025 tuition no later than August 24, 2024.

  • Payment Plans available – service fees apply (please inquire).

  • Limited Financial Aid (please inquire for deadlines and requirements).

  • Take advantage of our Referral Program.

  • Tuition is not charged for the weeks the school is closed, so no make-ups will be allowed.  However, if your class falls on Labor Day Weekend – Saturday, August 31, 2024 and/or Monday, September 2, 2024, or if  you are unable to attend your regularly-scheduled class due to illness or other reasons, you will be allowed make-up classes.



Register for Classes:

For more information, visit our enrollment page.



Class Attire

Children’s Division (Creative Movement 1 & 2, Pre-Ballet 1 & 2)

  • Girls: Boca Ballet Theatre class uniforms required. Shop using the link below!

  • Boys: Black shorts or tights, white t-shirts, white ballet shoes, and white socks.



Class Policies

Class Placement

  • In the Children’s Division, it is done strictly by age requirements — no exceptions.

  • Boca Ballet Theatre uses a unique stair-step training system and it is normal for a student to remain in the same class level for two or more years.


  • All tuition is due at the beginning of the semester.

  • Tuition is nonrefundable and nontransferable even if you or your child do not complete the semester.

  • Tuition will be prorated for new students only after the beginning of the semester.

  • A late fee of $10 will be assessed if tuition is not paid by the 15th day of the current semester. If tuition is not paid by the 30th day of the current semester, you or your child may not be allowed to attend classes.

  • A tuition payment plan is available for a nominal fee.

Class Attendance

  • In Boca Ballet Theatre’s unique stair-step system of training, each class builds upon materials learned in the previous class; therefore, class attendance is mandatory.

  • If your child will be unable to attend a class due to illness or other reason, please call BBT at least 30 minutes prior to the beginning of class so the instructor can be informed of the child’s absence.

  • If a dancer arrives after his/her class has already begun, the dancer must ask the instructor’s permission to enter the class. Tardy students (more that 5-10 minutes late) may be asked to observe to protect the dancer from injury.

  • Tardy dancers are asked to enter the studio when the music is not playing (between exercises).

Pick-Up Policy

  • Parents are expected to pick up children promptly at the close of their class. Boca Ballet Theatre is not responsible for any students left after their class has ended.

  • No siblings, friends, etc. can be left at Boca Ballet Theatre without parental supervision.

  • Any student left after the last class of the day will be assessed an overtime fee of $10 per child for each 15 minutes (or portion of 15 minutes), regardless of the reason for being late.

  • Payment is due at the time of pick-up (cash or check), and a child may not participate again until the late fee has been paid.

Food and Drink Policy

  • No candy, gum, or soft drinks are allowed in the studios.

  • Water is allowed and students may bring a spill-proof bottle of water to class. Hydration is important – especially when a dancer has several hours of instruction and/or rehearsal back-to-back on the same day.