BBT Spotlights Graphic Designer Chris Inman


For the past 20 years, graphic designer Chris Inman has worked pro bono designing programs, flyers, banners, invitations, and more for Boca Ballet Theatre. In this month’s staff spotlight, we thank Chris for his amazing service and highlight his career as a graphic designer!

For almost thirty years, Chris has developed successful visual communication strategies for companies in a variety of fields, including event marketing, consumer food products, non-profits, the software industry, and religious organizations. He came to work with BBT over 20 years ago when a local printer connected him with Co-Artistic directors Dan Guin and Jane Tyree. After meeting with Dan and Jane and hearing about their vision for the company, Chris says, “I was sold. We’ve been collaborating ever since!”

Since joining the BBT family, Chris has designed countless materials advertising our events and performances. One of his favorite designs (pictured here) featured our Havana Nights performance and cocktail event!

“I love working for all non-profits,” Chris says, “and currently, non-profits and social organizations comprise a majority of the work that I do. It gives me a sense of giving back (you know, that feeling of making a difference). The arts in general are near and dear to my heart.”

We are so thankful for all of the beautiful designs that Chris has contributed over the years! Our events and performances wouldn’t be the same without his aesthetics to draw in our audiences. Learn more about Chris Inman and support his agency in the link below!

Madison Garber