BBT Cordially Invites You To “Cocktails and Curation”


Boca Ballet Theatre cordially invites you to Cocktails and Curation! This elegant cocktail party will take place at Countess de Hoernle Center for Dance, BBT’s lovely home, on Saturday, April 9th, 2022, from 6–8 PM. Help us curate our Royal Court of Patrons!

Event Chair Julianna Miron will curate a delectable menu of cocktails and hors d'oeuvres for your enjoyment! Guests can expect a fun and festive evening that will set the stage for our highly-anticipated mixed-repertory concert Spring Curation and our lavish production of The Sleeping Beauty. Enjoy an exquisite night out while supporting BBT as we curate another season of fabulous dance concerts! We hope to see you there!

Reserve your tickets to “Cocktails and Curation” today!
Reservations: $50

Madison Garber