BBT4PD Invites You to "Share the Joy"!


BBT4PD invites you to “Share the Joy“ on Saturday, April 29th at 7 PM! Share the Joy is an in-studio presentation celebrating the inspiring and courageous participants of BBT4PD, a certified Dance for PD® program. This performance is free to the public, but donations are appreciated. A short reception will follow the presentation. We hope you will join us for this very special performance!

About BBT4PD

BBT4PD, or Dance for those living with Parkinson’s disease, is celebrating its 10th season of FREE movement-based classes! The director of the program, Cindy Surman, is the only instructor in Florida certified by the founding organization Dance for PD® (a non-profit by Mark Morris Dance Group and the Brooklyn Parkinson Group). Team teacher Ines Lopez has also received training from Dance for PD®!

The atmosphere of each class is warm, inviting, and uplifting, featuring live music by accompanist Aly Tejas! BBT4PD’s teachers get participants moving, stretching, and oftentimes laughing! They enjoy the classes just as much as the participants, referring to the classes as the highlight of their week.

In each class, assistants Karen Wexler and Amanda Sewell and volunteer assistants Judi Steinhardt, Judie Stewart, and Liz Dudley provide extra hands, smiles, and hugs to participants. Our wonderful helpers bring their hearts and souls to each class with their service and support!

Boca Ballet Theatre is very proud of this outreach program and of the passionate artists and generous community members who support its mission!

Support for this BBT4PD is generously offered by

Madison Garber