Faculty Spotlight: Who is Amanda Sewell?


In this month’s faculty spotlight, we highlight one of Boca Ballet Theatre’s exceptional instructors: Amanda Sewell! We are thrilled to welcome Amanda to the BBT family as a ballet instructor this year! She shares her passion for dance and extensive performing experience with our dancers in the studio. But who is Amanda, and how did she connect with BBT?

Amanda is originally from Annapolis, Maryland, where she began her professional experience with Ballet Theatre of Maryland. She graduated from Butler University with a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in 2011 and performed with Sarasota Ballet the following year. In 2012, Amanda joined Ballet Arkansas. During her 10-year career there, she enjoyed performing the roles of Cinderella, Odette, the Sugar Plum Fairy, and Juliet. In addition to these famed roles, she performed in Agnes de Mille’s The Other; George Balanchine’s Who Cares, Glinka Pas de Trois, Valse Fantasie, and Donizetti; Val Caniparoli’s Lady of the Camellias; Gerald Arpino’s Birthday Variations and Confetti; Harrison McEldowney’s Group Therapy; and world premieres by Kiyon Gaines Ross.  Amanda also served as a Community Cast Ballet Master for Ballet Arkansas’ performances of The Nutcracker and Cinderella

Photo courtesy of Ballet Arkansas, Photographer Melissa Dooley Photography

Amanda joined BBT this past summer after retiring from Ballet Arkansas, and she is thrilled to be part of the family! “My husband Toby Lewellen has greatly enjoyed his Nutcracker guestings with Boca Ballet Theatre over the past 10 years,” she says, “and we were thrilled to be asked to join the team full time!”

When asked what she is most looking forward to this season, Amanda shared her excitement to kick off the holidays: “I am looking forward to being a part of Boca Ballet Theatre’s Nutcracker season!”

Welcome to BBT, Amanda! We are thrilled to have you as a member of our dance faculty! We hope you’ll say hello to her next time you’re in the studio!

Madison Garber